+91 94436 61858,90803 17209
It is mandatory to submit one copy of the manuscript to STET online. Please submit your article online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please click on "Submit Manuscript" in the journal’s website.
The maximum size of any file that can be uploaded on the STET website is 10MB.
All documents should be attached as files online.
Yes, the procedure is the same irrespective of the type of manuscript, which includes submission of Abstract, Keywords, and Running title.
Authors must refer the sample manuscript available in the journal’s website.
Upload the revised files online on the STET website under the same submission number as revisions. We do not accept email submissions of revisions. When submitting the revisions, make sure the following are submitted:
The OJS automatically generates a unique 4-digit submission number when a manuscript is submitted to STET. This number is maintained and used throughout the manuscript processing and publication stages to refer to the manuscript. All revisions of the manuscript are to be made under the same submission number.
Providing the email IDs of all co-authors is necessary for official confirmation from all co-authors that they have been consulted and are okay with the manuscript, with their names being included in it, and with the other details provided.
When the manuscript is finally accepted and is processed for copyediting, the Managing Editor will intimate regarding the next steps.
If the submission process has been followed as per STET’s guidelines, the time taken to publish may range from 3-6 months.
a. The manuscript is accepted for initial review if all submission criteria are met.
b. The manuscript is accepted for peer review after the initial review.
c. The manuscript is provisionally accepted after the authors undertake proper revisions suggested during the peer review process.
d. The manuscript is finally accepted when the subject editor and/or chief editor accepts the final revised manuscript for publication.
STET follows a double-blind peer review process. The author’s name is not revealed to the reviewer and vice versa.
The review process will be delayed if:
a. The submission is incomplete or the STET guidelines have not been adhered to.
b. The reviewers take a long time to respond to request for complete submission of documents.
STET provides an acceptance letter for publication only after the final acceptance of the manuscript by the subject editor and the chief editor.
Accepted articles will be checked for plagiarism before sending to production. If an author is faced with plagiarisms, we will black list the author. This means we never review any paper from such authors for a defined period of time, even years; even authors with self plagiarism are black listed. So, the authors are advised to check for plagiarism themselves before submitting the article.
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