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Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation


Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation, | 10.56343/STET.
Year : 2018 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 4 | Pages : 222-224

Application of Graph Theory in Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: Analysing organic agriculture

Abstract :

A study was conducted to assess the comparative egg production performance of meat type Japanese quail pure line breeders under deep litter and cage systems of management. Cage reared pure line grand parent breeders attained maturity significantly (Pd<0.01) early compared to those reared on deep litter (64.17 ±1.17 vs 71.50 ± 1.18 days) and also attained 50 per cent egg production faster compared to those reared on deep litter (9.16 vs 14.83 days). Per cent hen day egg production (13-32 wk) was significantly (P≤ 0.01) higher in cage reared birds compared to deep litter rearing (73.96 ±0.71 vs 64.01 ± 0.87). Age effects and age - system interaction effects were also found to be significant (P<0.01) Peak production was witnessed during 17-20 weeks of age of the breeders which declined as the age advanced. Mean feed efficiency per dozen eggs was not found to be significantly (P>0.05) different between the two systems. However, age effect was found to be significant (P<0.01) and the best feed efficiency figures were noticed mostly between 17-38 weeks of age. Mean egg weight (g) was found to be 15.19 ± 0.03 and 15.45 ± 0.03 under deep litter and cage rearing respectively, and the difference was found to be significant (P< 0.01). Mean feed cost (Rs.) for 100 eggs was marginally higher for cage rearing, however the difference was not significant (P>0.05).



Breeder performance,egg production,egg weight,feed efficiency,japanese quail

Citation: *,

( 2018), Application of Graph Theory in Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: Analysing organic agriculture. Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation, 11(4): 222-224

Mr.Veerapathiran K

Correspondence: K.Vimala

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