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Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation


Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation, | 10.20894/STET.
Year : 2023 | Volume: 17 | Issue: 2 | Pages : 36-44

An Innovative Analysis of Multi-Modal Co-Learning on PET-CT Images for Liver Lesion Segmentation

Abstract :

Positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET-CT) imaging is a tool extensively used for detecting liver lesions (FLLs). Still, distinguishing these contemporary styles will ignore some of the information astride the two processes while features interact, count the collaborative literacy of the point chart of various judgments, and not make sure that shallow and deep aspects regard each other adequately. In this paper, our proposed model can attain feature relations along the multi-modal channels by sharing each down sampling block among two encoding branches to remove deceiving features. Also, we integrate feature maps of various plans to derive spatially varying fusion maps and elaborate the lesion's information. In addition, we initiate a resemblance loss function for thickness constraints in the event that the forecasts of separated refactoring branches for the same field differ a lot. We estimate our model for liver excrescence segmentation using a PET-CT scan dataset, compare our system with the baseline approach for multi- modal (multi-branches, multi-channels, and cascaded networks), and also justify that our system has a fully advanced delicacy (p <0.06) than the base line models.


Ultrasound, convolutional neural networks, multi-modal collaborative literacy, liver lesion segmentation, and PET- CT

Citation: *,

( 2023), An Innovative Analysis of Multi-Modal Co-Learning on PET-CT Images for Liver Lesion Segmentation. Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation, 17(2): 36-44

Mr.Veerapathiran K

Correspondence: T. Haripriya

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