A study on bush frogs (genus : Raorchestes) in Udhagamandalam, Nilgiri
Biosphere Reserve,Tamil Nadu
Abstract :
During the study of foliicolous fungi in the palode forests of Thiruvananthapuram district Kerala state, collections of Sarcinella catharanthi on Catharanthus roseus and S. fumosa on Aegle marmelos revealed their ascigerous states. Since the teleomarph supersedes anamorph, these two taxa have been described and illustrated as new species, namely, Schiffnerula catharanthi and Schiffnerula girijae, respectively.
Black mildew,folicolous fungi,India.
Citation: *,
A study on bush frogs (genus : Raorchestes) in Udhagamandalam, Nilgiri
Biosphere Reserve,Tamil Nadu.
Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation,
Correspondence: J. LEONA PRINCY