Medium Optimization for Herbicidal Compound Production from Streptomyces
anulatus using Response Surface Methodology
Abstract :
Nesting ecology of the Nilgiri Flycatcher Eumyias albicaudata was studied in the Palni Hills of south India during 2002- 2004 by intensive search method. Altogether 35 active nests were observed in a 10 ha plot of the montane wet temperate forest and the peak nesting was observed in April. Nilgiri Flycatcher builds nest in three to five days and the peak nest- building time was 07.00-09.00 (4 nests). The nests were placed in a hole on a tree trunk or earth bank, mostly concealed. Eight species of trees were used for nesting and 51% of the nests orientation was towards west. It builds nest in the dense forest with thick canopy and nearer to trek path and streams. Clutch size was two or three; incubation and nestling periods were |4 - 15| and 15-16 days respectively. Nesting success was 42.04%. Dense forests with good ground cover are the basic needs for breeding of the Nilgiri Flycatcher.
Eumyias Albicaudata,nesting ecology,Nilgiri Flycatcher.
Citation: *,
Medium Optimization for Herbicidal Compound Production from Streptomyces
anulatus using Response Surface Methodology.
Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation,
Correspondence: P. Priyadharsini